When everything you possess is taken from you instantly and all you are left with is the clothes on your back, and you have no idea which way to go, the only thing you can do is “Stand Strong”.
The devastation witnessed by the residents of Washington on 11/17/2013 was unfathomable. Few people alive have experienced what we, as a town, have gone through and continue to go through. It is unbelievable that we made it through with such a minimal loss of life and so few injuries.
This has proven to be one of the strongest communities I have ever been involved with. I look forward to watching this town grow and rebuild and keep the “new” normal alive. May we never go back to “normal”, may we embrace the “new” normal and move forward.
This video touched me so deeply.
Here is a slide show of our personal experience starting to stand strong.
I could not believe what we found in town once we had the energy to go see if we could help. 11/19/2013