
I wonder if my kids know that the number 3 exists.  My wife and I count to 2 over and over again, but barely ever count to 3.  Maybe my memory is slipping as I get older and I just can’t remember what comes after 2…
I asked my 3 year old “what comes after 2?”
He answered as any smart 3 year old would “3”.
I asked him “and after 3?”
“Time out!” was his response.
I see a new counting system emerging.


I thought this would be a goodthought given the time of year, holiday feasts and food from friends and family.  Keep in mind where you food comes from.  Watch Food Inc., and King Corn for some great insight into what we actually put in our bodies.  Try to eat locally grown whenever you can.  Can and store as much of your own food as possible.  A home garden can easily produce enough vegetables and a grand enough variety to keep a family fed.  GIGO! (Garbage in – Garbage out!).  You are what you eat!!

To visit directly: King Corn

View Food Inc trailer below: